Festival Chatbot

Reach new users, your potential customers.
Tell them how fascinating your festival is.
Show them how to buy tickets.
Engage them with interesting announcements.


Welcome Chatbot

Welcome your store or website visitors.
Answer their most common questions.
Connect them with support.
Let them give you feedback.


Custom Chatbot

Targets the specific needs of your business.
Designed and developed from scratch to fit your business.
Can be integrated with third party software or websites.
Can be complex or simple.


E-commerce Chatbot

Increase your sales and engage your customers.
Do not allow your visitors to get lost by giving them the right information.
Send them offers and promotions and convert them in sales.


We Provide

Platform Integration

Exclusively, we provide Viber chatbots and messenger chatbots for Magento, WordPress and other platforms.


For every interaction we gather statistics and history, which you can analyze and then optimize your site, your chatbot or your products.

Information Delivery

Every customer of your bot gets the right information for a specific product and delivery details faster without the need to contact customer support employees.


We keep the bots up and running 24/7. We apply the latest security patches. We send messages to your subcribes. We help you prepare for special events or campaigns. We send you monthly reports of the bots performance.

Privacy & Security

Our bots are GDPR compliant. We do not keep message history and we do not save personal data.

Our Customers

Sonus Festival
Roche Chatbot
Exit Festival
Dnevnik Chatbot
Pohoda Festival
Khan Academy
Davis Cup
Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
WWF Chatbot

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